Channel: Nazarene.net - Food
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A Plan To Combat Youth Unemployment In The EU

In the News (from Bloomberg): “Germany and France will announce joint proposals this month to address Europe’s soaring youth unemployment, the Labor Ministry in Berlin said, confirming a newspaper...

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Mutual Concern Is The Solution To Problems

 If people were to change themselves, by all appearances they would just stop wasting their power and energy. Today two trillion dollars a year is wasted only for armaments. In this process an immense...

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Ultimate Kosher Burgers

I spend, what some may consider, an unhealthy amount of time thinking about food, and how to make kosher versions of unkosher favorites. As Summertime...

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The Major Law Of Nature Is System Balance

Question: We unite in order to correct. How exactly do we achieve the goal of our unity? How do we arrive to a correct connection?read more

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A Person Lives Within Desires And Acts Emotionally

Question: Must a person learn to feel every level of existence or is this feeling awakened automatically?Answer: Only sufferings can occur automatically. They force us to learn, meaning, to feel all...

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The Incubator Of Immortality

Rabash, “A Prayer of Many”:With that, we can interpret the words of the holy Zohar, which advises those people with an inner demand, who cannot accept the state they are in because they do not see any...

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Advertising, Consumption And Unemployment…

Question: On one hand, the modern person’s requirements for new desires have been awakened, and on the other hand, people still want to buy an iPhone 5, rest as much as possible and work less; why is...

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If You Don’t Know How, Don’t Touch

Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World:” Therefore, we must understand and be very careful when casting a flaw in any item of Creation, saying it is redundant and superfluous, as that would be slander about...

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Throw All The Power Toward The Main Matter

The first time there was a truly egoistic alienation between people—the desire to separate—was in ancient Babylon. Egoism grew, and this was the reason why people began to distance themselves from...

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A Small Garden Can Feed Everyone

In the News (from Next Big Future):“The Pronutria process is radically more efficient than current agriculture and livestock cultivation, and produces pure nutrition up to 1,000 times more efficiently,...

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A “Miscarriage” Is Going Back

Rabash, “The Matter of Ibur (Gestation) and Yenika (Suckling)”: And wherever there is a deficiency in Holiness, there is a hold of the Sitra Achra, and it can spoil the phase of Ibur and not allow it...

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The Convention By Our Own Efforts

The two current conventions, Krasnoyarsk and St. Petersburg, mark the beginning of a new stage. From now on, we start practical preparation for unification on a new degree.read more

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Before The Dawn

Question: Do I have to prepare for the convention in St. Petersburg so that I arrive there already with the right idea of the next degree in which I am connected with everyone?read more

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Chicks Under Their Mother’s Wings

There is nothing we can do. We cannot sit idly and torture ourselves, but we must exert ourselves. But we don’t work according to what we feel since otherwise we wouldn’t move. If I obey my feelings...

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Progress That Leads To Regression

Today the Creator intentionally makes the whole world feel that it is hanging in the air. A person doesn’t know what to expect and what will happen next. Suddenly there are floods in Europe, hurricanes...

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“Humans: The Real Threat To Life On Earth”

In the News (from The Guardian):“Earth is home to millions of species. Just one dominates it. Us. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities have modified almost every part of our planet. In...

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Where Can We Find Food That Was Prepared With Love?

Question: If my biological body is made of atoms and molecules and I eat something that is made of the same atoms and molecules, but in different proportions, does it lead to a change of energy?Answer:...

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A Meal Is A Time Of Contemplation

Question: Suppose we bring people together in the center according to the integral system. We have workshops, connecting games, and a meal together. How should we prepare for the meal?Answer: A meal is...

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Why Did We Climb Down From The Trees?

Question: People say that we mustn’t consume stale food.read more

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Rage Slows Down The Digestion Of Food

Question: How can you explain what Rambam says, “Never eat when you are angry?”read more

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